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Charts and Diagrams

Samsung Chart Design


Charts make reading easier

Now users get more data than ever before. Charts bring dry and boring data to life and are eye-catching.

samsung charts

Chart style in Samsung

Basic principles of diagram design

Create transparency
The data is filtered and visualized with high precision to produce impressive results.

Important values are for expressing complex data in a simple format.

Rounded corners allow for easy integration with other design elements, and consistent data visualization improves accuracy.

Each piece of data is assigned its own color and unique value. Carefully categorized data colors ensure consistency and keep values separate.

chart design


Apple Chart Design

chart design in Apple

charts in apple watch

Chart in Carbon Design system


Simple charts allow you to visualize your datasets in an intuitive and easy-to-understand way. Each diagram should tell a story and display the content of the page on which it is placed.

charts in Carbon Design

Learn more about charts

Anton Skrypnyk
Anton Skrypnyk
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